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2025-02-21 16:58730
价格 面议
颜色 未填
形状 未填
等级 未填
应用领域 未填
品牌 海韵牌
发货 湖南岳阳市付款后3天内  
品牌 海韵牌
产地 其它
品牌 海韵牌
库存 500
产地 其它
品牌 海韵牌
型号 BT-1033

BT-1033型有机硅母料BT-1033 type organic silicon mother material   定州市海明建材物资供应站是《中国海韵混凝土外加剂产销联合体》的一员,是生产国际型环保系列防水材料混凝土外加剂的专业厂家。产品以“海韵牌”为注册商标。海韵牌商标及海韵牌混凝土外加剂产品获得荣誉证书**免检产品》《人民大会堂指定用品》《中国**品牌》《中国知名品牌》《中国**企业》。   DingZhouShi haiming building materials is the China chaton wharves marketing consortium of concrete additive, and a member of the international environmental series production is waterproof material concrete admixtures of professional manufacturers. Products with "chaton card" for registered trademark. Chaton brand trademark and chaton brand concrete admixtures products gain honor certificate: "the country avoids check product", "the great hall of the people, designated supplies" "Chinese famous brand" "Chinese famous brand" "Chinese excellent enterprise".  海韵牌混凝土外加剂共有8大系列,198个品种,256 种规格的产品。(防水防火材料)(混凝土外加剂)(灌浆料/浇注料/注浆料)(外墙外保温材料)(建筑胶泥/嵌缝/粘结材料)(窖炉耐火材料)(精选化工原材料)(混凝土外加剂母料)在全国28个加盟分厂生产销售。   Chaton brand concrete admixtures are 8 old series, 198 cultivars, 256 types of products. (waterproof fire-resistant material) (concrete admixtures) (grouting material/castable/note slurry) (exterior insulation material) (the product/caulking/binding materials) (cellar furnace refractories) (selected chemical raw materials) (concrete admixtures home liu) in the country 28 join factory production sales.  为各大厂商提供精选化工原材料系列和混凝土外加剂系列等各类母料,欢迎来电洽谈。   For each large manufacturers to provide selected chemical raw materials series and concrete admixtures series etc all kinds of home liu, welcome to negotiate.
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