苏州六洲新材料有限公司创建于2002年7月,公司位于江苏省太仓市。本公司继承了长期以来严谨、务实、求精的一贯作风,公司拥有专业技术人员,采用先进的生产技术和设备。在激烈的市场竞争中我们注重质量,服务和环保意识。在胶带生产上不断追求更好的工艺品质,“益华”“益洲”品牌胶带深受国内外广大用户的亲睐。我们将一如既往的追求产品的品质,愿为广大的用户提供优质的产品和服务,共创美好未来! 我们公司有两个主要的生产事业部组成: (1)塑料包材事业部:缠绕膜、打包带的生产加工。 (2)胶粘制品事业部:保护膜、BOPP封箱胶带、高中低温美纹胶带、双面胶带、玛拉胶带、牛皮纸胶带、 聚酰亚胺胶带、PET高温胶带、红美纹胶带、醋酸布胶带、导电布胶带、铝箔胶带、和纸胶带、封缄胶带、布基胶带、泡棉胶带、PVC胶带、警示/地板胶带、玻璃纤维胶带等。公司的产品均通过SGS环保认证,各项指标均达到国际环保要求。
Company introduction Suzhou Six Continents New Materials Co. , Ltd. was founded in July 2002, the company is located in Taicang City, Jiangsu Province. The Company inherited a long period of rigorous, pragmatic, refined style, the company has professional and technical personnel, the use of advanced production technology and equipment. In the fierce market competition, we pay attention to quality, service and environmental awareness. In the tape production continue to pursue better process quality, "Yihua" "Yizhou" brand tape by the vast number of users at home and abroad pro-gaze. We will, as always, the pursuit of product quality, is willing to provide the vast number of users with quality products and services to create a better future! Our company has two major production division consists of: (1) Plastic packaging business unit: Winding film, packaging belt production and processing. (2) Adhesive products business unit: Protective film, BOPP packing tape, High temperature Crepe tape/masking tape, Double-sided tape,Mylar tape, Kraft paper tape, Polyimide tape, PET high temperature tape, Red texture tape, Acetate tape, Conductive cloth tape,Aluminum foil tape and washi tape, Seal tape, Cloth tape, Foam tape, PVC tape, Warning/floor tape, Fiberglass tape, etc. The company's products are through SGS environmental certification, the indicators are up to international environmental requirements.
We provide professional, personalized products and services to diff